The Swahili culture and origin of swahili language remains disputed till today. Some scholars ask, "were there particular people called Swahili before or they just emerged after the intermarriage with the Arabs?". For those who says Swahili emerged after the intermarriage with the Arabs argue that 16-20 percent of Swahili words are rooted in Arabic language. Even the word Swahili itself is derived from Arabic word " sawahil " plural form of " sahil " which means coast or the coast. On the other hand, other scholars argue that, the first reference to definite commercial relations between the Arabs and the people of the East African Coast dates back to the end of the 1st century A.D when the compiler of the " Periplus of the Erythrean Sea " mentions several place names of the route including the island of Menouthias (Pemba or Zanzibar) and Rhapta "the last Market town of the Azanian mainland". Other evidences include the Kilwa Sultana...
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